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Story of Operation Gibraltar (1965)

Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah asked a question to President General Ayub Khan in 1964. She asked that American military aid to India was the talk of the town. And India would use this aid against Pakistan. "I want to know how it happened." America was your friend. Why did you lose this friend? Everyone living in the East and the West Pakistan wanted to get the answer to this question. This question came up in the early era of Ayub Khan when industrial development was fast taking place. Now it had become clear that this progress was due to Pakistan's support to America against Russia. In return Pakistan had secured economic aid from America. This aid was being spent on the construction of Tarbela, Mangla dams and many other projects. But the Indo-China war in 1962, changed the scenario. America turned its face on Pakistan and started to give military aid to India. On the one side, America was giving military aid to India on the other, India was annexing Kashmir to its territo...

Election and Flood in Bengal

December 1970 when elections were going to be held in Pakistan. But five days before the polls an attack took place. The Indian army entered East Pakistan.  Ban on political activity in Pakistan was lifted on January 1, 1970. Following which political parties in the country openly started the elections campaign. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was also continuing electioneering on the basis of his six points. For the leaders of West Pakistan implementation of these six points was a threat to the integrity of the country.

General Yahiya was optimistic about convincing Mujibur Rahman in making the 6 points soft after the polls. General Yahiya was sure about it also on the basis of intelligence reports that Sheikh Mujib would not be able to get a majority in the 70's elections. Mujib's Awami League was being predicted getting at the most of 80 seats of the total 315. So Yahiya Khan was anticipating a hung parliament after the elections. A hung parliament meant Yahiya Khan retaining as the center of power and the decision maker.

Against the possible emergence of a hung parliament, Sheikh Mujib and Z.A.Bhutto was carrying their election campaign with full force to avoid it and get a clear majority to form the government. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's address at the Paltan Medan, Dhaka was very significant in this regard. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed the public meeting on January 11, 1970. This public meeting was so huge that the entire Medan became jam-packed.

In his historic speech, Sheikh Mujib categorically said that the Bengalis had committed a blunder in the Constitution of 1956. That they had accepted the principle of equal seats of the Parliament for East Pakistan and West Pakistan. He warned of strict resistance if the same principle was tried to be thrust upon Bangladesh again. In that case, a movement would also be launched for the rights of the people. In the same big rally, Sheikh Mujib had first time called East Pakistan, Bangladesh.

The media began to raise questions on this public meeting. As per media, Rs. 200000 were spent on the Paltan Medan public meeting of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. 300 trucks, 200 buses, and 350 launches were hired to bring people to the venue. All hotels were also booked for the stay of the Awami League leaders. Awami League had borne all these expenses so the political rivals alleged that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman enjoyed the financial and practical help of the foreign forces. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was addressing mammoth public meetings.

And he had also become the most favorite leader of the Bengalis. No other in East Pakistan was holding a public meeting against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. First, it was because of the popularity of the Awami League, and secondly, the Bengali nationalists were creating hurdles in the election campaign of the rival parties. The groups of the nationalists would attack the public meetings of the rivals chanting 'Jay Bangla' slogans. On January 18, 1970, when Jamaat-e-Islam planned a public meeting at Paltan Medan, thousands of armed men surrounded the venue, blocked the ways and attacked the participants, and set the stage on fire. As per the media reports the attackers thrashed every bearded person.

Who called himself Bengali was spared while he was attacked who called himself Muslim. The injured were dragged on the ground and denied medical aid. And the injured who managed to reach the hospitals were beaten there by the club bearers. The attackers would reach the hospitals and take off blankets from the injured and intimidate them. In this mob action, one was killed and over 500 were injured. The Awami League gave a strike call in Dhaka on January 19; the next day of the violent action. The protest persisted the next day when the mob set many vehicles on fire.

On another occasion, the activists of the Awami League and the Convention Muslim League had severe crashes. Many lost their lives therein. Over 200 houses and shops were also gutted in that confrontation the riots spread to the extent where the police had to open the fire. 40 persons were arrested but the violence did not stop. Now Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was carrying on his election campaign on the six-point agenda. He was raising the slogan of Sonar (Golden) Bengal.

The Awami League was terming every other party traitor and 'Mir Jafar.' In West Pakistan, Z.A.Bhutto was dominating the political scene. He was carrying on his election campaign in the name of Islam. According to him, people would no way accept the un-Islamic constitution. Obviously, the parliament coming after the election was to frame the constitution also. And this constitution had to provide a roadmap for the future of East Pakistan and West Pakistan also.

So prior to the polls, General Yahiya on March 28, announced a code for the new constitution. It was named Legal Framework Order or LFO. The LFO necessitated the protection of the Islamic ideology in the new constitution. The state would be called the Islamic republic and the Centre would get more powers for national security. The phrase 'more powers' ran counter to Sheikh Mujib's demands raised through the 6-points.

As he was campaigning for stronger provinces instead of a strong Federal Government. He wanted complete internal autonomy to the provinces. So he became furious over this LFO. In a speech, he said his target was the establishment of Bangladesh so he would tear the LFO into pieces after the elections. He said no one would dare stand against him after the elections. His statement was recorded. And reached General Yahiya Khan through any secret means.

Yahiya Khan also got furious when heard Sheikh Mujib saying all that. He angrily warned Sheikh Mujib of dealing him with an iron hand if he would deceive him. Yahiya Khan was perhaps calling it a 'deception' since Sheikh Mujib had taken him into confidence that he had not launched the movement for the separation from Pakistan. Rather his movement aimed at getting more authority. And this situation gave the idea about the nature of ties between the Central Government and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the level of distrust therein before the elections.

And the distrust furthered when the elections were postponed when all was set for it. But the election postponement had a reason. The electioneering was in full swing when in August 1970 East Pakistan was hit by the horrible floods. Dozens of villages were washed away by the floods and Dhaka got cut off from other parts of the province. Over 10 million people became displaced and the situation posed difficulty in the conduct of elections.

Therefore General Yahiya postponed the elections for two months. Polls for the National Assembly by December 7 and Provincial Assemblies by December 19 were announced. But the problem compounded when a huge sea storm in November wreaked havoc in Bengal. A hurricane emerged in the Gulf of Bengal and caused terrible destruction in the coastal areas. The typhoon submerged 13 islands of East Pakistan. 60,000 people lost their life only on one island.

13000 Hindu yatrees (pilgrims) were also swept away in the water. The death toll soon reached to millions. The Army started rescue and relief operations in the affected areas. But the Army faced a problem in performing the relief works. That the helicopters carrying relief goods from West Pakistan were to cross through the air territory of India. India refused the use of its air territory to these helicopters. Consequently, the relief works started after much delay.

But by that time a very large number of people had become affected against little relief goods that a large number would rush to get the relief good when they see the helicopter. The rescue teams witnessed the scenes of Doomsday in the affected areas. People had died in such a large number that they were buried in the mass graves. The heart rending aspect of the typhoon was the death of 600,000 children. In Nawakhali not a single child had survived.

Therefore the rescuers asked the people for not sending clothes for the children to Nawakhali. Because no child was there to wear these clothes. Emergency was declared in the affected areas and the entire Pakistan was deeply sad on this tragedy. Mourning was also being held for the dead. The national flag was brought to half-mast. Hundreds others died due to eruption of cholera, measles and pneumonia in the affected areas. So huge number of people had died due to floods and diseases that army was again called in for their burial. In this situation postponement of elections was also evident but Sheikh Mujib became a hurdle in the way. He warned that another one million Bengalis would lay down their life if elections were postponed. But he would not let the polls called off.

Sheikh Mujib also alleged that the Bengalis were not warned beforehand about the typhoon. That many lives might have been saved had the government started relief operation within 24 hours. It was perhaps the effect of Mujib's threats and criticism that government did not defer the polls despite such a widespread destruction. So the Election Day remained intact on December 7. But five days before the polls, India attacked East Pakistan. Rangpur district of East Pakistan had an area Bansriganj that was surrounded by Indian area of Cochbehar.

Which meant it was cut off from the rest of East Pakistan. Similarly, some Indian areas were also surrounded by West Pakistan land. The people on both sides had to get visa to travel to each other's territory. As per Pakistanis newspapers Indian army and people on December 2, 1970 attacked Bansriganj and brutally massacred 300 unarmed persons. Over 700 were also injured in this attack. The Indian soldiers also kidnapped a number of Bengali girls and set afire many houses.

Pakistan called the Indian High Commissioner and recorded strong protest over this incident. Pakistan demanded return of the kidnapped Bengalis and punishment to the attackers. Pakistan warned India would be responsibility for the deteriorated situation if demand did not meet. But India took no notice of the Pakistani protest and denied any attack was made by the Indians. The day Pakistani lodged protest, thousands of armed Indians attacked Danga area of Rangpur.

Houses owned by the Bengalis were torched once again while the Indians also committed plundering. When the Pakistan officers applied for visa to visit Danga, India refused to grant them visa. In this background, voting for the National Assembly took place. It was the first general elections of Pakistan on the basis of one-man, one-vote. 56.5 million Registered voters were to cast votes in East Pakistan and West Pakistan. It must be born in mind that Awami League was very strong in East Pakistan and chances of its victory were bright as a number of candidates against the League had already withdrawn.

This factor had made position of the Awami League even stronger. The people of Pakistan showed a tremendous excitement on December 7 when the polling was held. People came to the polling stations on foot, rickshaws and cars. In East Pakistan people reached the polling stations on boats. It was a carnival like scene in East Pakistan and West Pakistan. 'Boat' was the election symbol of Awami League while Peoples Party of Bhutto had the 'Sword.'

General Yahiya cast vote in Rawalpindi and Bhutto in Nodero, Sindh. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman cast vote in Dhaka. Former President Ayub Khan also exercised his right to vote through postal ballot. The complaints of election rigging also came out. One complaint was about easy removal of the ink used to mark cast vote on the thumb of the voters. It implied a voter could again cast vote removing the ink mark. The media also reported about the genuineness of the ink which the people however, attempted to erase.

An interesting advertisement was also published in this regard. This advertisement was by a beauty cream company, Emex that spelled out that some dishonest political activists tried to erase the ink mark with this cream but they failed as the cream was prepared on a face cleansing formula and did not have acid. The turnout in the election was around 60 percent. After polling ended, the media on the next day reported victory of Awami League in East Pakistan and the Peoples Party in West Pakistan.

Mujibur Rahman was elected in two constituencies. As a result of 70 elections, Awami League had bagged 167 of total 169 seats in East Pakistan. After the polling, Mujibur Rahman had kept awake till late night. He offered 'fajr' prayers on December 8 and thanked Almighty Allah over his success. Then he offered 'fateha' at the tomb of Bengali leaders Suharwardi, Khawaja Nazimuddin and A.K.Fazul Haq. Now a new era was about to begin after the elections were over.

Like this school board, many people were now hopeful of a new era of peaceful and democratic Pakistan. But that did not come about. As soon after the elections, ties between East Pakistan and West Pakistan became estranged. Only two days after the polls, former head of the Awami League Maulana Bashani demanded referendum to make East Pakistan an autonomous state in the light of Pakistan Resolution. Sheikh Mujib on the other termed the election results referendum in support of the provincial autonomy. The UK media reported about Pakistan being bifurcated into two 'kingship' at the cost of unity. The situation became worse after these media reports and the statements. The situation came to the extent of a civil war.

Agartala Case                                                                             Bhutto, Yahiya and Sheikh Mujeeb          
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